We are excited to provide you with some information on the Design For Living step taking group. 

First off there is no fee for this group. Registration is January 4 through February 4. The course begins Tuesday, February 23 and completes 14 weeks later on May 25.

The first meeting is an introduction then we do a step a week with two weeks for Step 4.

All will be able to print out the new Design For Living guidebook. This guidebook, which is different from previous versions, provides the assignments for the readings from Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous and the 12 and 12, along with questions for reflecting on each step. This is the only financial cost for you.

Within the 14 weeks participants have the opportunity to read the entire Big Book and 12 and 12, along with answering the questions in the guidebook. Past participants reflected on what they wanted to transform in their life. We have questions focusing on alcoholism and other areas of powerlessness and unmanageability distinct from alcohol use, for example relationships, finances, compulsive eating or gambling, sexuality and our health.

Folks from 2 months to 37 years in recovery have participated in the Design For Living and have transformed many areas of their lives. Many have chosen to repeat this course multiple times.

We encourage each participant to share weekly their thoughts and feelings around the steps with their sponsor and/or sharing partners. In the past, participants have stated that it has taken 4 to 8 hours a week to complete the assignments along with sharing in a small group or with a sponsor.

Here is the format of each meeting:
We encourage all participants to arrive before 6:30 PM EST.
A prayer and reading takes place, then an amazing speaker shares their experience, strength and hope on that particular step.
We then break out into rooms of no more than 13 where all have an opportunity to share their experience with that particular step for approximately 3 minutes.
We close with a prayer by 8 PM.

So, if you have an area of your life that you are struggling with and/or you want to deepen your program and your relationship with the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous this is a courageous opportunity for you to transform your life!

Remember the cut off date to sign-up is February 4.
Thanks and we look forward to meeting you.

Design For Living Committee


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